Listening is not just waiting for your turn to speak. Knowing how to listen to what someone is actually saying and question precisely to elicit useful information can help you influence their thinking.
Most psychometrics include a measure of your tendency to think in abstract, big picture ways, or to pay attention to detail. And for good reason; when we are talking at different levels of detail we may as well be speaking different languages.
Use your log-in to access this tutorial here to explore how to navigate interactions through chunking,
Chunking can help when you want to…
- Find out what is driving someone’s decision making process and make suggestions that are more relevant to them
- Work together to agree specific actions when delegating
- Get to the bottom of complicated issues in a more timely way
- Avoid conflict when collaborating and negotiating
- Consider an audience’s needs when you need to really land a message with them
- Find out what is important to someone so you can influence them
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